Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Possibly happy news?

There was a development yesterday on the Reb front.

He went in yesterday for his standard round of chemo, and to get his just-this-shy-from-cool fanny pack, and the P.A. checking his port said it looked like it had been compromised. Essentially, a part of the port that was supposed to be inside was now outside. This can open his chest up for infections. After calling Dr. Whisenant, they decided to pull the port out, before giving him a round of chemo.

Although this can sound scary, there are at least 3 positive things coming out of this:
1- Reb gets a week off of chemo, and maybe can build up a little strength before getting it zapped again.
2-The medicine that they are giving him has now been approved and made available in pill form. So he may get to leave the fanny pack behind for good! Also, he may get to skip out on another port.
3- The antibiotics they gave him to fight any infection that he may see from the port will now also kick the cough he has been having and unable to shake for the past 2 weeks.

Reb believes strongly in the power of prayer, and appreciates all the prayers offered up in his behalf. He is going to have a scan on Halloween, October 31st to make sure this cancer hasn't spread anywhere else. He would appreciate all the prayers you can offer. We hope to have a clean scan, and be done with this business after his latest round of chemo.

1 comment:

Turbo said...

Thanks for the update. Keep hanging in there.