Monday, August 25, 2008

Roll up our sleeves and dig in

Reb has been feeling good lately. That is all about to change, perhaps. He started his chemo today. He had an infusion for about two hours today. They also hooked him up to a fanny pack with chemo attached, so he gets about 48 hours of the straight dope, and he will get unhooked on Wednesday.

The oncologist is still going for a cure. He wasn't phased by the "roots" the other doctor seemed to be concerned about. He said they would be microscopic, and that is why he is doing chemo on top of surgery. They set up a chemo schedule of every other week for 6 months. He had a port put in on Friday, so they can just hook the tubing right in to his chest. That way they don't have to find veins for IVs every time.

The chemo is a different drug than last time. He has about a 30% chance of losing his hair, 30% chance of thinning (would we notice?), and 30% chance nothing will happen at all. He should not get the cold sensitivity and tingling in his fingers that he got last time either. As for the nausea and lack of appetite, we shall see.

At least we aren't dealing with iliostomy bags this time around.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A good recovery

Reb had his drain removed on Friday. It was painful, but he was glad to have it done. The doctors are amazed at how well he is recovering from such a major surgery.

The surgeon was also able to make the family feel a little better about the surgery too. One of the surgical residents came to visit in the hospital and said they weren't sure they got the best margins on the lobe they removed. It was kind of discouraging to hear. However, at the doctors appointment on Friday, the surgeon said that any of the "roots" that they didn't get would have been microscopic, and he is planning on doing chemo to take care of those anyway. The surgeon thought everything went great, and he has a good prognosis.

One more doctor appointment next week. That is the one with the oncologist to decide the best chemo/radiation course to take.

Reb has been feeling good, and even got to go to a family reunion over the weekend. He only stayed for a few hours, but was glad to be back socializing again. He also returned to work this week, and is supposed to be taking it slow.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Movin' Right Along (Dugga dung, dugga dung)

Reb is making great improvements every day. He is eating a little more, walking a little more, and feeling a little better each day. The poop problems persist, but otherwise, he is feeling great.

He is going to have his drain pulled on Friday when he meets with the surgical team for a post-surgical checkup. He is ready to be rid of the last piece of remaining hardware from the surgery. The stuff coming out of the drain is looking good.

He will have an appointment with his oncologist sometime next week. He asked to meet with Reb and Marsha 3 weeks after the surgery, and tomorrow it will be 2 weeks removed! After that meeting, Reb should have a better idea of a chemo schedule, what kind of chemo, and if the 30 hairs left on his head will remain after the chemo treatment.

It was great to visit with Jill's kids while they were here, and Reb did a good job resting. He really wishes he could be back to normal, but Marsha has to remind him he can't be running around solving the world's problems just yet.