Monday, December 22, 2008

Another peice of hardware gone...

Reb has lost another dear friend from chemo. His Hickman Catheter is now gone. Two weeks after the testing for the mysterious infection, the doctors office called and said that they were able to grow bacteria from his blood, and the catheter was the most likely candidate. Now we are trying to figure out how long they have known the catheter was causing the infection, and why they didn't tell us earlier.

When Reb went to an appointment this week, his temperature spiked to 105*. They gave him Tylenol, and the nurse took it again, 103*. They decided to take out the catheter, and now he will either do chemo through an IV, or they will give him a pic line.

He will not have treatment the week of Christmas, which is good and bad. We want him done ASAP, but hopefully he will feel better while celebrating Christmas.

Reb looks forward to seeing everyone at various Christmas parties, and showing off his Mr. Clean do, and various battle scars. We all hope he feels well enough to visit with everyone.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Reb's back home again. They kept him an extra couple of days in the hospital because his blood pressure was really low. They have pumped him full of fluids and antibiotics and let him come home. All of the tests came back negative, so it was just a bug, or maybe an infection somewhere.

Also, he is sporting an even cleaner looking hair cut. Most of his hair has fallen out now, just a few white whispies remain.

Because of his illness and hospitalization, Reb skipped treatment this week, but will get it next week. So, the fanny pack is back next week.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

And another trip to the hospital

While Reb was visiting Jill in Portland for Thanksgiving, he ran a fever. The fever would respond to Tylenol, so they waited until Tuesday for his regular doctor's appointment.

At his appointment on Tuesday, they decided that he wasn't well enough for treatment, so they postponed it until next week. He still has a fever, and is having these shaking episodes. They gave him a strong anti-biotic and want to give that time to work.

They did lab tests and things that will come back sometime later today. They decided to admit him to see if they can get him healthy again. So currently he is just resting and getting fluids at LDS hospital, because IMC didn't have any beds available in the cancer ward.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh yeah, the fanny pack is back!

After a few long days in the hospital, Reb was able to come home. They decided it was a reaction to the pill form of the chemo he was receiving. They were able to stabilize him and send him home.

At his doctor's appointment, they decided to put in a Hickman Catheter. It is a catheter that goes in his chest, about where his port was. They used an ultrasound to place it into his artery, and now they hook the drugs up there. It is a small pain, the tubing extends a foot or more, but nothing compared to what a pain the colostomy bag was! This is a walk in the park.

He had his first treatment with the catheter, and all went well. He was even feeling well enough to take up his brother Wally's gracious offer to go to the U of U v. BYU game. He was going to go, come hell or high water, and the Utes put on a show for him. What a great game, and we are so thankful to Wally's family for allowing him the opportunity to go. He came home frozen solid, and a little tired, but with a huge smile on his face and stories to tell.

Reb is even feeling well enough to travel to Portland, Oregon to visit Jill for Thanksgiving. They have been having a wonderful time. After they get back, he is scheduled for more chemo. We are inching closer to the half-way point. He is feeling well, just a little tired and cold. His appetite is a little off, but that is to be expected.

Go Utes! and Go Reb!